where the waves breaks and dark red hexagonal stones make up tall layers,
is considered a gift of nature and was designated as Natural Monument No. 443 (12/27/04).
If you stand in front of the joints you can see the waves hitting the stones and breaking into white bubbles, which feels as if they carry the sad stories of stone carvers, and the scenery is incredible as when the waves are turbulent they reach a height of about 20m.
The place is becoming ever more popular with tourists as they walk around and look at the incredible scenery along with the fresh scent of the sea.
海浪讓郁悶的心情豁然開朗、痛快進行沖擊。猶如被這樣的海浪與神撫摸壹樣,精致地層層堆積的暗黑六邊形石柱,像屏風壹樣展開在中文旅遊區東部地區海岸上的柱狀節理帶是壹個能同時感受到自然的偉大與美妙的天然資源。被指定為第443號(2004. 12. 27)天然紀念物。站在柱狀節理帶前,那破碎的白色泡沫裏似乎滿是道不盡的石匠的悲傷故事。海浪劇烈時,會形成最高達20米以上、噴湧而出的壯觀景象。這是壹個可以嗅著清爽的海洋氣息,置身於天然絕景中的主題景點,深受遊客的喜愛,到訪的遊客絡繹不絕。
天然記念物第443号(2004. 12. 27)に指定されています。
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